


As early as the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Spain had already made "Benyang" silver coins (commonly known as "double pillars") in Mexico. During the Qianlong and Jiaqing years of the Qing Dynasty, China's foreign trade was booming, and the types of silver coins flowing into China from foreign countries were also increasing.


To the end of the Qing Dynasty, apart from the "double pillars", there were also Mexico's "Eagle ocean", the British "standing ocean", the Indochina "sitting ocean", the Japanese "dragon ocean" and the commemorative silver coin of William Thi, Germany.


In 1895, the British government used the mints in Mumbai and Calcutta, India, to forge a new trade silver dollar, commonly known as "standing man". "Standing man" silver dollar has been made in London, India, Mumbai and Calcutta. It integrates English, Chinese, Malay and other three languages, which is very rare in the history of world coinage.


Guangzhou East Dynasty culture is lucky to collect a "standing foreign currency", with a diameter of 3.9cm, which is now stored by Ms. sun.

直径:3.9cm 厚:0.24cm 重:26.8g

Diameter: 3.9cm Thick: 0.24cm Weight: 26.8g


On the obverse of the coin, a female warrior stands on the shore and looks out for the world. Holding the meter shield in the left hand and the Trident in the right hand means being able to attack and defend, invincible. One-dollar (one circle) in English is listed on the left and right sides of the bead circle, with the year 1912 recorded below. The characters of the coin are clearly depicted, the three-dimensional sense of clothing folds is very strong, the texture is quite good, the overall beauty is generous, the pattern is exquisite, and the connotation is profound.


On the back, the Chinese character "Shou" is cast in the middle, with the Chinese character "Yiyuan" at the top and bottom and Malay at the left and right. Zhanyang is a collection of English, Chinese, Malay and other three languages, which is very rare in the history of world coinage, so it has a collection value. This silver dollar is well preserved, exquisite in appearance and natural in wrapping, which is really rare.