


Standing foreign currency is one of the foreign currencies which were cast by England in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. After the station foreign currency entered China, it began to circulate in Guangdong and Guangxi. Because of its exquisite production and high silver content, it was deeply loved by businessmen and people. When the British government saw that the foreign currency was profitable in China, it struck and imported a lot of foreign currency. Soon, the station currency was used in most parts of China, especially in Beijing and Tianjin.

下图是罗先生带来的一枚站洋币。银元正面中央是一持戟、盾的武士,上端在武士左右有英文币值“ONE DOLLAR(一元)”,下有纪年1911;背面中央为寿字纹,上下为中文“壹圆”,左右为马来文“壹圆”。

The picture below is a station coin brought by Mr. Luo. In the center of the silver dollar's obverse is a warrior holding halberds and shields. On the top is the English currency "one dollar" on the left and right of the warrior, and on the bottom is the year 1911. On the back is the Chinese character "one yuan" on the center, and on the left and right is the Malay character "one yuan".

直径:3.9cm 厚:0.26cm 重:26.9g

Diameter:3.9cm Thickness:0.26cm Weight:26.9g


The characters of the coin are clearly depicted, the three-dimensional sense of clothing folds is very strong, the texture is quite good, the overall beauty is generous, the pattern is exquisite, and the connotation is profound. It is very rare in the history of world coinage to stand in the ocean and integrate English, Chinese, Malay and other three languages.


As a historical carrier, it records the humiliating history of Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. Studying the foreign currency circulating in China is of great significance for us to understand the crime of foreign powers using silver dollar trade, plundering China's wealth, enhancing patriotism and contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


These foreign silver dollars are precious in material and high in artistic value. They are made of precious metal or silver alloy. They are exquisitely made, well-designed, elegant in writing, rich in content, brilliant in silver and attractive in appearance. They have certain functions of preserving and appreciating value.