


In the early years of Qing Dynasty, social productivity got certain development, and medicine also made some corresponding progress. Although the Qing Dynasty's policy of internal pressure and closing the country to the outside world restricted the improvement of medical level, the Qing Dynasty made unprecedented achievements in the research of medical works, such as medical records, medical talks, class books, complete books, series books and medical history books.


According to the statistics of 1961, there are 498 kinds of books compiled in Qing Dynasty in 60 libraries and individual collectors. Almost all the medical works in Qing Dynasty and before Qing Dynasty were included, which made an important contribution to the development of medicine in Qing Dynasty and after Qing Dynasty.

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The above ten-year medical book of Xianfeng sorted out the contents of Obstetrics and gynecology in detail.


In addition to the prescription, there are a large number of medical theories, including medical knowledge of fetal care, abortion, small labor, and postnatal child care. Due to the long history and the wars in the old times, it is slightly damaged, but the handwriting is very clear and the ink color is strong, which does not affect reading.


Although medicine has developed for hundreds of years, it has been very developed to this day. However, in the Xianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty, this book provides research materials and lays a theoretical and practical foundation for the development of the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine and obstetrics.


Experts said that, first of all, ancient Chinese medicine books have important historical data and cultural value. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine literature has strong practicability and important scientific research and clinical value. Only by comprehensively and deeply sorting out ancient medical books, can we systematically promote the research of basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, avoid modern misinterpretation to the greatest extent, and promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine to the greatest extent.