


Fan Zeng, a famous scholar and master of painting and calligraphy in contemporary China, advocated the aesthetic principle of "returning to classicality and nature", practiced the aesthetic principle of "taking poetry as the soul and book as the bone", made great contribution to the development of Chinese painting, and created the forerunner of "Neoclassicism" art.


Fan Zeng's works have always been pursued by calligraphy and painting collectors. His painting advocates the essence of Shi Tao's "painting theory" to pursue the sound of nature. His freehand figures are good at expressing verve.


There are many things about fan Zeng: in 1984, Japan's Okayama fan Zeng art museum was established; in 1986, he donated to build and presided over the Department of Oriental Art of Nankai University; in 2008, fan Zeng Art Museum of Nantong University was unveiled; in 2011, he won the lifetime achievement award of the Chinese art and Culture Award.

长:95.3cm 宽:48.8cm / Length:95.3cm Width:48.8cm


The picture of whip is one of its masterpieces.


The boy sits on the back of the ox, full of spring and vitality, which is a typical composition of Mr. Fan. The cow is painted with no bone technique, and the ink is lively. Only the corners, mouth, eyes, hooves, tail and other parts are drawn with thick ink. The child's body is first drawn with simple and simple ink lines, and then the color is set. The color is bright and fresh, one solid, one virtual, one thick, one light, which strengthens the communication of the overall atmosphere and the comparison of techniques.


The lines in the picture are vigorous, clumsy and forceful, breaking through the limitations of the traditional description method, innovating from the old and forming a distinctive personal style. Although the scale is not big, there is not much ink, but the breath of spring warm earth is coming. Fan once put the children in heavy colored clothes together with the running white cattle, which undoubtedly increased the flexibility and vitality of the picture.


The figures and animals in the whole work are lifelike, with distinct layers. The inscription is perfect without any modification. It has a good collection and viewing value.


If you are interested in collecting the above collections, please feel free to contact Guangzhou Dongchao treasure hunt!