


Chinese civilization has a long history of 5000 years. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and silver dollar is an important part of this historical galaxy.


Yuanbao of Guangxu is one of the currency circulating in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty. During the reign of Guangxu, a series of silver coins were minted, but the Sichuan made Guangxu Yuanbao was extremely rare and precious because it was not easy to circulate and use.

四川省造光绪元宝银币于光绪二十四年开铸,四川省造币厂铸行, 光绪二十五年清廷整顿各地造币厂,令四川所需银元向湖北省银元局搭铸,该币一度停铸。光绪二十七年重新开铸,至光绪三十四年止。

In the 24th year of Guangxu, Sichuan Province started to cast the Yuanbao silver coin, which was put into operation by Sichuan mint. In the 25th year of Guangxu, the Qing government rectified all the mints and ordered Sichuan to set up the silver coin for Hubei silver Bureau. The coin was once stopped. In the 27th year of Guangxu, it was rebuilt until the 34th year of Guangxu.

直径:3.91cm 厚:0.27cm 重:24.4g

Diameter:3.91cm Thick: 0.27cm Weight:24.4g


This Guangxu Yuanbao is made in Sichuan Province. On the front, it is "made in Sichuan Province" and on the bottom, it is "Kuping seven coins and two cents". In the center, it is written with four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, one star on each side. On the back, it is surrounded by English characters, with one petal on each side. In the middle, it is a dragon playing pearl. The Dragon scales are carved in a fine and dense way, flying in the clouds and fog. The body is powerful and full of royal majesty.


This silver coin is shining with light silver under the soft light. It has a distinctive style of Qing court coins, which is really a beautiful product.


Guangxu Yuanbao records a period of history in China, which has important cultural significance and collection value. This Guangxu Yuanbao, with its slurry embedded in the bone, obvious circulation traces, clear dragon scales, has investment and collection value, and is also an archeological and research object of Chinese history and culture.


If you are interested in collecting the above collections, please feel free to contact Guangzhou Dongchao culture!