


Bronze ware is one of the carriers of ancient splendid civilization, which is made of bronze and made by a very special technology (today's people call it bronze casting technology). The bronze utensils of Shang and Zhou dynasties in China were not only containers for holding objects, but also ritual utensils in the temples, among which the most important one was the tripod.


Ding is a kind of food utensil and ritual utensil, popular from Shang Dynasty to Han Dynasty. Its shape is mainly round belly, double ears and tripod. The characteristics of each period are different. It is considered by later generations to be the most representative of supreme power among all bronzes.

口径宽:21.6cm 高:18.5cm

Caliber width: 21.6cm Height: 18.5cm


This tripod has two ears and a tripod cover. Both the belly and the lid of the tripod are engraved with the decorative patterns of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. The rust on the skin is beautiful. It has been eaten for thousands of years. It is well preserved and green. It has a grand and peaceful shape, a grand momentum, a simple and elegant form, a beautiful and solemn appearance, and is extremely natural.

鼎是我国青铜文化的代表。鼎在古代被视为立国重器,是国家和权力的象征。直到现在,中国人仍然有一种鼎崇拜的意识,“鼎”字也被赋予“显赫”、“ 尊贵”、“盛大”等引申意义,如:一言九鼎、大名鼎鼎、鼎盛时期、鼎力相助,等等。

Ding is the representative of Chinese bronze culture. In ancient times, Ding was regarded as an important tool for building a country and a symbol of state and power. Until now, Chinese people still have a sense of tripod worship, and the word "tripod" has also been given extended meanings such as "distinguished", "distinguished", "grand", etc., such as: nine tripods in one word, famous tripod, heyday, great help, etc.


As an ancient art relic symbolizing this power, the tripod has not been preserved completely until now, among which the bronze tripod with cultural flavor is one in a hundred.


The development of Chinese bronzes mainly experienced three historical periods: Xia, Shang and Zhou, during which the style of bronzes changed from solemn artistic style to simple, concise and bright style. In addition to bearing the physical charm before evolution, the indirect implication of geometric ornamentation is more abundant, even has the symbol of hazy polysemy. Therefore, most of the artifacts in this period have the characteristics of this style change.