


Throughout the ancient and modern times, the ancient coins of various periods in China have experienced the test of 5000 years of history, with a long history and a wide range of varieties. Up to now, the ancient coins are not only the medium of commodity exchange, but also the epitome of the development of politics, economic system, culture, science and technology in various times. Rare coins are the material objects of the history of money and the witness of the long history.


Sichuan copper coins made by the military government evolved from Sichuan copper coins. The purpose is to raise military salaries, maintain government expenditure, and meet the needs of the road protection movement. They have been recorded in detail in history and military affairs, with a deeper significance. With the changes of the times, they have become rare collections.

直径:3.29cm 厚:0.14cm 重:9.6g

Diameter: 3.29cm Thick: 0.14cm Weight: 9.6g


In April of the first year of the Republic of China, Sichuan Chengdu Mint was ordered by the Sichuan military government to open die and cast "Sichuan copper coins made by the military government". The coins in the picture in the text have an inscription on one side, "made by the military government" on the top, and "Sichuan copper coins" in the center, with flower star patterns on the left and right. On the other side, there are also exquisite pictures and texts. Inside the large circle in the center of the back is a seal character "Han". There are dozens of horizontal and straight lines at the bottom of the character "Han". Therefore, coin collectors also call it "Han" character copper coin.


There are 18 small circles around the circle of "Han", representing 18 provinces at that time. The 18 small circles around the word "Han" are linked together, implying that the people of 18 provinces unite to fight for "expelling Tartars and restoring China".


As the saying goes, "rare things are precious". As a special currency of a special historical period and local regime, this coin has irreplaceable cultural value, which is very precious from the perspective of collection and investment! If you are interested in collecting the above collections, please feel free to contact Guangzhou Dongchao culture!