


In the late Qing Dynasty, there was a parallel era of silver, paper and copper coins. However, new silver coins were not issued until Jiaqing, and they were not widely cast until Guangxu. At the end of Guangxu's reign, Yunnan Province was allowed to set up a factory at the old site of Baoyun Bureau in Kunming, and made coins with German imported machines according to the molds of Tianjin household at that time.


From the three coins shown in the figure below, it is not difficult to see the superb and perfect minting techniques of the Qing Dynasty. Its obverse is engraved with the inscription "made in Yunnan Province" on the top. At the bottom is the monetary value of "Kuping three coins and six cents". In the center, read the words "Guangxu Yuanbao" directly. There is a hexagonal pattern on both sides of the outer ring.


3-piece set / different sizes (front)


The inner circle pattern of Qian Bei is a flying dragon with exquisite lines and harmonious layout. It looks like a picture roll. It is extremely beautiful and amazing. The surface of the coin is naturally abraded. Touch it with your hand, you can feel the dragon pattern and characters on the cool surface. The texture is good and the whole is beautiful and generous.



As a masterpiece of modern Chinese coins, Guangxu Yuanbao is not only valuable, but also a real revolutionary cultural relic. Its pattern and shape design can show the ups and downs of Qing Dynasty history. Therefore, whether historians do historical research or archaeologists use it to interpret mysteries, it is an irreplaceable documentary object.


As the last important peasant uprising regime in Chinese history, its historical value and preciousness have been recognized by the market for a long time, and it has been sought after by many coin collectors, with a considerable market investment prospect.


If you are interested in collecting the above collections, please feel free to contact Guangzhou Dongchao treasure hunt!